Lifestyle · September 24, 2022

Improve your vacations by improving the community where you Stay

Mapping Local Favorites for Your Guests & Your Community

Stayy loves sharing, so share more than your property (even if you’re using one of those other platforms for vacation rental marketing). Share your knowledge of the best local places you love, in the easiest most accessible way possible. If you don’t already know the power of google maps, you should check it out. In the moment, and for exploration, reach is its most powerful ability. Let me show you an example of what I mean.

Have you ever promised out-of-town guests an email full of your favorite spots, only to never get around to clicking send? Starting today, you can create lists of places, share your lists with others, and follow the lists your friends and family share with you — without ever leaving the Google Maps app.

Getting started is easy. Simply open the Google Maps app and find that BBQ spot you’ve been wanting to try. Tapping on the place name and then the “Save” icon adds the place to one of several pre-set lists like “Want to Go” or “Favorites.” You can also add the restaurant to a new list that you name yourself, like “Finger Lickin’ BBQ.” To recall the lists you’ve created, go to Your Places (in the side menu) and then open the saved tab. Icons for the places you’ve saved to lists will appear on the map itself, so you’ll always know whether one of your must-try BBQ spots is nearby.

– Google Maps link

Tulum, the popular bougie Mexican Riviera vacation spot on the Caribbean coast. Overrun with office worker expats pretending to be in touch with their inner selves. They fancy themselves the tulumanati, while paying $8(USD) for a latte that they can get half a block away for 20 cents (and it’ll taste better). I say USD because on the beach you can always play the USD or Peso game. It could be either, they will take your money, one is just worth 20 times more than the other. Why? is really the question when there are better, local, options for everything.

For example, I added Panaderia Mana to google maps, while I was there stayying with a friend. In just over a year 150,000 views added up quickly

But it’s more than just improving visibility for local business. The guests you’re hosting can easily check out your favorites list in a beautiful interactive way. Without having to use your silly 3-ring binder that’s full of previous guests greasy fingerprints 🤮. You all know the one I’m talking about from a vacation rental that the owner has never been in and is managed by staff that aren’t paid enough to care. Community is what makes a property and the surrounding town amazing and worth going back to. So help make yours better by improving and sharing your list of favorite places around town, and Stayy a while. 🏡 🙂