Lifestyle · October 31, 2022

Stayy for apartment rentals

Rent your apartment to friends & friends of friends, while you go adventuring.

Sharing is hard. Asking is hard.

Make it easy with Stayy. 😃

Many travel plans are made well in advance of seeing a chance facebook post saying something like “my place is available next week while I’m on vacation.” Stayy proves more people will share and stay with friends, or in places owned by friends, when it’s easier to see where they can stay, easier to schedule, and easier to manage their place.

Stayy instead of posting to facebook
One of many actual FB posts from friends, name redacted for privacy. – Stayy founder Jeff Bayer

You know you’ve wanted to go solo traveling for a while now. Stop asking on facebook if someone needs a place while you go on sabbatical. Use Stayy to easily manage sharing or renting your apartment to trusted friends and family while you’re gone. While you’re sharing, recoup some of that absurd rent price without having to give up your 150 sqft rent controlled closet with paper thin walls. The Stayy scheduling calendar is free to use. Let your friends, friends of friends, or even trusted neighbors, schedule the nights you’ve set as available.

Because Stayy is private to those people you invite to see your property page, there’s no need for public marketing pages or prying eyes seeing that you’re going to be away. Or local governments trying to ban you or extract absurd taxes for letting a friend stay in exchange for a few bucks. You can easily share your property invite link on facebook to let more people see it while still maintaining control. And of course you can kick anyone out of your guest list whenever you want. See more about inviting people to see your property page here.

Stayy Share your place with friends and family
One of many actual FB posts from friends, name redacted for privacy. – Stayy founder Jeff Bayer

There’s a social cost to being a bit of a moocher, even if you know a wealthy friend that is happy to share their place sometimes. Just like there’s a social cost to saying no to a good friend when your place is potentially available, but you just don’t want to deal with the logistics (keys, scheduling, cleaning, etc.) sharing right now. Stop asking for places to stay on facebook, stop asking friends that have vacation properties if you can stay, just get invited to their property on Stayy and see what’s available and when, from all your people – instantly. Just make sure to share with those people.