Stayy Features

Edit your property settings

Once you’re taken the first step and added your property, you can EDIT your property settings from the button in the top right corner of your property page. This button also indicates your property status as active or not. From your...

Rent your apartment to friends & friends of friends, while you go adventuring.

Sharing is hard. Asking is hard. Make it easy with Stayy. 😃 Many travel plans are made well in advance of seeing a chance facebook post saying something like “my place is available next week while I’m on vacation.” Stayy proves more...

Your property page

Ready to share your place on Stayy? Here’s a sneak peak into what your property page could look like. Stayy is invite only. Meaning your property page will only be visible to the guests you invite. More Stayy info: home...

Setting your property availability

There are a few different ways you can set your property availability on Stayy. 1. Property Status. Set your property to inactive or paused to completely block interaction with your calendar. You can do this with one click from your property...

Scheduling stays by sleeping space or by your whole place.

Share your property how you want to. By the whole place or by the sleeping space. Let’s look at how this works for different kinds of places and with it looks like on the scheduling calendar for your guests. Setup: Setup...

Stayy – Your shared vacation home scheduling calendar

We’ve designed and built most efficient property scheduling calendar we’ve ever seen. And, yes, it’s free for you and your friends to use. Whether you want to schedule by your whole place, by sleeping space, or by guest — it’s all...

Stayy property memberships

As a property owner or manager you can choose to have Property Memberships as a Guest Role. With just a few extra clicks, memberships allow you to create recurring automated monthly payments for access to your property, or a one time...

Stayy – User Roles For Your Property

Equality is something we should all strive for in all aspects of life. But your property costs money to own and operate. Taxes, utilities, and general wear adds up quickly over time. So, access limits are a good thing because not...

Stayy socially or anonymously

When sharing your property with friends and family, it’s great to be able to see when the people you know are going. But if others, that you don’t know as well, are guests of your property also, you may want to...

Set your property status

When you add your property to Stayy, it is automatically set to “Inactive” to let you get the lay of the land before going live. Your property is still invite only, so you can simply set it to active immediately and...